Norty Nom Noms

Meet Lana, the talented and dedicated baker behind Norty Nom Noms in Dingley Village, Melbourne. With a passion for creating naughtily delicious treats, Lana is the driving force behind our indulgent offerings. She pours her heart and soul into every confection, ensuring that each treat is a delightful masterpiece. From decadent cookies to mouthwatering desserts, Lana's expertise shines through in every bite. With a commitment to pushing the boundaries of flavour and a knack for satisfying even the sweetest cravings, Lana invites you to experience the irresistible delights of Norty Nom Noms. Get ready to be enchanted by Lana's culinary creations that are as naughty as they are nom-worthy.
Indulge in our specialty custom fondant sugar cookies and a wide range of delightful treats. From special occasions to satisfying cravings, we have you covered!